Information On The Film 112 Weddings

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All about the movie 112 Weddings. Get information on the motion picture 112 Weddings including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

112 Weddings

Watching The Movie 112 Weddings
112 Weddings Film Information

What's The Movie 112 Weddings About?

After two decades of filming weddings Doug had long wondered what became of those couples.. Are they still together? Is married life what they thought it would be? How have they navigated the inevitable ups and downs of marriage over the long haul? Driven by deep curiosity to answer these questions, he begins to track down and interview his wedding couples, juxtaposing wedding day flashbacks with present-day reality as he explores themes of love and marital commitment and to ask them all the same question: After years of being married, what would be your advice be for a young couple soon to be married?

What's The Genre Of The 112 Weddings Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture 112 Weddings Released?

Released: June 13, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The 112 Weddings Movie?

Runtime: 115.0

How Popular Is The 112 Weddings Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.362

What Studio(s) Produced The 112 Weddings Film?


United States of America

Who Was On The Crew Of 112 Weddings The Movie?

Directing — Director: Doug Block
Writing — Writer: Doug Block

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