Information On The Film Alice In Acidland

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All about the movie Alice In Acidland. Get information on the motion picture Alice In Acidland including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Alice In Acidland

Watching The Movie Alice In Acidland
Alice In Acidland Film Information

What's The Movie Alice In Acidland About?

Cute and perky college student Alice is invited to a "pool party" by Freida, a female teacher who is actually a lesbian and has designs on Alice. At the party Alice gets drunk, takes acid and immediately becomes a lesbian, taking a bath with Freida. Later Alice gets mixed up with LSD-addicted hippies, rape, more lesbians, more LSD, orgies, suicide, and having sex with guys in boxers.

What's The Genre Of The Alice In Acidland Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The Alice In Acidland Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Alice In Acidland Released?

Released: January 1, 1968

What's The Runtime Of The Alice In Acidland Movie?

Runtime: 55.0

How Popular Is The Alice In Acidland Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.479

What Studio(s) Produced The Alice In Acidland Film?

Unit Ten Productions

United States of America

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Alice In Acidland?

Frieda Hamilton Julia Blackburn
Bob Fletcher aka Animal Roger Gentry
Narrator Donn Greer
Alice Trenton Sheri Jackson
Kathy Wilson Janice Kelly

Who Was On The Crew Of Alice In Acidland The Movie?

Directing — Director: John Donne
Production — Producer: John Donne
Writing — Writer: Gertrude Steen

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