Information On The Film Almost Holy

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Almost Holy

Watching The Movie Almost Holy
Almost Holy Film Information

What's The Movie Almost Holy About?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine's social and political institutions faced massive change, including an increasingly corrupt government and crippled infrastructure. A number of the nation's youth wound up homeless and addicted to a lethal cocktail of injected cold medicine and alcohol. In the early 2000s a pastor from Mariupol named Gennadiy Mokhnenko took up the fight against child homelessness by forcibly abducting street kids and bringing them to his Pilgrim Republic rehabilitation center—the largest organization of its kind in the former Soviet Union. Gennadiy's ongoing efforts and unabashedly tough love approach to his city's problems has made him a folk hero for some, and a lawless vigilante to others. Despite criticism, Gennadiy is determined to continue his work.

What's The Genre Of The Almost Holy Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Almost Holy Released?

Released: April 16, 2015

What's The Runtime Of The Almost Holy Movie?

Runtime: 97.0

How Popular Is The Almost Holy Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.493

What Studio(s) Produced The Almost Holy Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Almost Holy The Movie?

Crew — Cinematography: John Pope
Directing — Director: Steve Hoover
Production — Executive Producer: Terrence Malick
Sound — Music: Atticus Ross

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