Information On The Film Amateurs in Space

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All about the movie Amateurs in Space. Get information on the motion picture Amateurs in Space including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Amateurs in Space

Watching The Movie Amateurs in Space
Amateurs in Space Film Information

What's The Movie Amateurs in Space About?

Over a period of 6 years award winning director Max Kester follows two best friends and top engineers as they follow their dream to build a "DIY" rocket to travel into space. If they succeed, Denmark will be only the fourth nation in history to launch people beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Against their families odd's and technical challenges they build the cheapest rocket for the costs of a small car. They attract a group of space-flight enthusiasts from around the world who support them with great excitement. It's the story of one of the greatest dreams of humankind and how to make it come true, despite such everyday obstacles as losing your screwdriver or fighting about whose turn it is to take out the trash. It's a film about reaching for the stars.

What's The Genre Of The Amateurs in Space Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Amateurs in Space Released?

Released: November 2, 2016

What's The Runtime Of The Amateurs in Space Movie?

Runtime: 90.0

How Popular Is The Amateurs in Space Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.209

What Studio(s) Produced The Amateurs in Space Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Amateurs in Space The Movie?

Directing — Director: Max Kestner
Production — Producer: Sigrid Jonsson Dyekjar

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