Information On The Film American Mullet

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American Mullet

Watching The Movie American Mullet
American Mullet Film Information

What's The Movie American Mullet About?

This documentary emphasizes that people have strong feelings about the mullet - very popular hair style among lesbians, race car drivers and others. The general attitude about the mullet is not all positive; some people are even harassed for having one. The director toured the USA asking one and all what they thought about this coif. The journey is not only hilariously funny, it's also enlightening. Turns out, the mullet isn't just a dyke cut. Musicians, bikers and Latino soccer players all love that style.

What's The Genre Of The American Mullet Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture American Mullet Released?

Released: January 1, 2001

What's The Runtime Of The American Mullet Movie?

Runtime: 0.0

How Popular Is The American Mullet Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.102

What Studio(s) Produced The American Mullet Film?

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