Information On The Film American Winter

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American Winter

Watching The Movie American Winter
American Winter Film Information

What's The Movie American Winter About?

Documentary feature film that follows the personal stories of families struggling in the aftermath of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Filmed over the course of one winter in one American city, the film presents an intimate snapshot of the state of the nation's economy as it is playing out in millions of American families, and highlights the human consequences of the decline of the middle class and the fracturing of the American Dream

In the richest country on earth, millions of families have been left out in the cold.

What's The Genre Of The American Winter Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture American Winter Released?

Released: March 18, 2013

What's The Runtime Of The American Winter Movie?

Runtime: 90.0

How Popular Is The American Winter Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.341

What Studio(s) Produced The American Winter Film?

HBO/Cinemax Documentary

United States of America

Who Was On The Crew Of American Winter The Movie?

Directing — Director: Harry Gantz
Directing — Director: Joe Gantz
Production — Associate Producer: Sophie Harris
Production — Co-Producer: Aaron I. Butler
Production — Producer: Harry Gantz
Production — Producer: Joe Gantz
Sound — Music: Joel Goodman

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