Information On The Film Art and Craft

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All about the movie Art and Craft. Get information on the motion picture Art and Craft including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Art and Craft

Watching The Movie Art and Craft
Art and Craft Film Information

What's The Movie Art and Craft About?

For several decades, gifted and incredibly prolific forger Mark Landis compulsively created impeccable copies of works by a variety of major artists, donating them to institutions across the country and landing pieces on many of their walls. Art and Craft brings us into the cluttered and insular life of an unforgettable character just as he finds his foil in an equally obsessive art registrar.

He puts the artist in con artist.

What's The Genre Of The Art and Craft Movie?

Genres: Documentary

Who Stars In The Art and Craft Movie?

Starring: Mark Landis

When Was The Motion Picture Art and Craft Released?

Released: September 19, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The Art and Craft Movie?

Runtime: 90.0

How Popular Is The Art and Craft Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.305

What Studio(s) Produced The Art and Craft Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Art and Craft?

Himself Mark Landis

Who Was On The Crew Of Art and Craft The Movie?

Directing — Director: Jennifer Grausman
Directing — Director: Mark Becker
Directing — Director: Sam Cullman

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