Information On The Film Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl

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Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl

Watching The Movie Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl
Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Film Information

What's The Movie Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl About?

Emmy-winning actor-comedian Robert Wuhl assumes the role of college professor in this hilarious history lesson conducted in front of an audience of actual New York City college students. Four segments explore the lesser-known aspects of America's storied past that everybody thought they already knew -- including the truth about Paul Revere, the hypocrisy of several founding fathers and the origin of many "modern" ideas.

The stories that made up America and the history that America made up.

What's The Genre Of The Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Movie?

Genres: Comedy

Who Stars In The Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Movie?

Starring: Robert Wuhl

When Was The Motion Picture Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Released?

Released: October 9, 2007

What's The Runtime Of The Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Movie?

Runtime: 30.0

How Popular Is The Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.007

What Studio(s) Produced The Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl?

Himself Robert Wuhl

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