Information On The Film Bhoot Unkle

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All about the movie Bhoot Unkle. Get information on the motion picture Bhoot Unkle including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Bhoot Unkle

Watching The Movie Bhoot Unkle
Bhoot Unkle Film Information

What's The Movie Bhoot Unkle About?

Geeta and her parents move to a small town of Hari Nagar where her dad has been appointed Principal of a school. During her very first day, Geeta finds out that her video gaming device has been stolen. After complaining to her school teacher, who ends up searching every student's bags, finds the device in Shyam's schoolbag. Shyam is humiliated and punished. Then another student, Satish Kumar, the son of Member of Legislative Assembly, Makhan Lal Akela, finds that his gold chain is missing. They automatically suspect Shyam, and along with local goons and Police go to his residence to search for Shyam and the missing chain. Shyam's uncle and cruel aunt vehemently deny any theft, but no one believes them, they end up searching the house, find Shyam and chase him into the lighthouse, where he hides. Shyam does not know that this lighthouse is the very venue of a spirit of a dreaded pirate that has been lying dormant for 100 years, and is now ready to wake and wreak havoc all round again.

What's The Genre Of The Bhoot Unkle Movie?

Genres: Family, Fantasy

Who Stars In The Bhoot Unkle Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Bhoot Unkle Released?

Released: October 6, 2006

What's The Runtime Of The Bhoot Unkle Movie?

Runtime: 110.0

How Popular Is The Bhoot Unkle Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.005

What Studio(s) Produced The Bhoot Unkle Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Bhoot Unkle?

Who Was On The Crew Of Bhoot Unkle The Movie?

Directing — Director: Mukesh Saigal
Writing — Story: Aneesh Dev

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