Information On The Film Captain Thunder

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Captain Thunder

Watching The Movie Captain Thunder
Captain Thunder Film Information

What's The Movie Captain Thunder About?

The story of "Captain Thunder and the Holy Grail" is set during the Third Crusade in Palestine, when Captain Thunder finds in the dungeons of a fortress a dying Christian named Juan de Ribera, who entrustes him the mission to restore to Spain a cup which is the Holy Grail, stolen from an ancient order. Thunder, with his inseparable friends Crispin and Goliath, and a Viking princess named Sigfrid, will face an evil feudal lord and his black "devils", who are terrorizing the population of low Aragón.

What's The Genre Of The Captain Thunder Movie?

Genres: Adventure

Who Stars In The Captain Thunder Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Captain Thunder Released?

Released: October 7, 2011

What's The Runtime Of The Captain Thunder Movie?

Runtime: 115.0

How Popular Is The Captain Thunder Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.893

What Studio(s) Produced The Captain Thunder Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Captain Thunder?

Who Was On The Crew Of Captain Thunder The Movie?

Directing — Director: Antonio Hernandez

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