Information On The Film Claire of the Moon

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All about the movie Claire of the Moon. Get information on the motion picture Claire of the Moon including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Claire of the Moon

Watching The Movie Claire of the Moon
Claire of the Moon Film Information

What's The Movie Claire of the Moon About?

Claire of the Moon is set in the 1990s in the Pacific Northwest. Claire Jabrowski, a famous heterosexual author, decides to attend a retreat for all-female writers. Claire's rommate at the retreat is Dr. Noel Benedict, author of a book called The Naked Truth. The movie culminates in a sexual encounter between the two authors.

One woman's journey into her sexual identity.

What's The Genre Of The Claire of the Moon Movie?

Genres: Drama, Romance

Who Stars In The Claire of the Moon Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Claire of the Moon Released?

Released: September 18, 1992

What's The Runtime Of The Claire of the Moon Movie?

Runtime: 105.0

How Popular Is The Claire of the Moon Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.591

What Studio(s) Produced The Claire of the Moon Film?

Demi-Monde Productions

United States of America

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Claire of the Moon?

Claire Jabrowski Trisha Todd
Dr. Noel Benedict Karen Trumbo
Maggie Faith McDevitt
Brian (as Damon Craig) Craig Damen
Erika Leslie Hidula
Tara Caren Graham
B.J. (as Sheila Dickinson) Sheila Dickenson
Arrow Patricia Blem
Adriennce Melissa Mitchell
Amy Gathering Marbet
Lynn Sherilyn Lawson
Noel's Fantasy Woman Misti Cooper
Mr. 501 Doug Rouhier

Who Was On The Crew Of Claire of the Moon The Movie?

Camera — Director of Photography: Randolph Sellars
Directing — Director: Nicole Conn
Writing — Writer: Nicole Conn

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