Information On The Film Clinton Cash

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All about the movie Clinton Cash. Get information on the motion picture Clinton Cash including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Clinton Cash

Watching The Movie Clinton Cash
Clinton Cash Film Information

What's The Movie Clinton Cash About?

An investigation into how the Clintons have amassed millions in personal wealth through foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, a supposed charity, in exchange for political favors while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State.

What's The Genre Of The Clinton Cash Movie?

Genres: Documentary

Who Stars In The Clinton Cash Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Clinton Cash Released?

Released: July 24, 2016

What's The Runtime Of The Clinton Cash Movie?

Runtime: 60.0

How Popular Is The Clinton Cash Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.032

What Studio(s) Produced The Clinton Cash Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Clinton Cash?

Herself Hillary Clinton
Himself Bill Clinton

Who Was On The Crew Of Clinton Cash The Movie?

Directing — Director: M.A. Taylor
Writing — Book: Peter Schweizer
Writing — Writer: Stephen K. Bannon

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