Information On The Film Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded

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All about the movie Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded. Get information on the motion picture Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded

Watching The Movie Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded
Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Film Information

What's The Movie Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded About?

In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since Prohibition-era Chicago. Cocaine Cowboys is the true story of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the United States. But it isn't the whole story - Pulling from hundreds of hours of additional interviews and recently uncovered archival news footage, Cocaine Cowboys has been RELOADED: packed with footage and stories that have never been told about Griselda Blanco, the MedellĂ­n Cartel, and Miami's Cocaine Wars, with firsthand accounts by hit man Jorge 'Rivi' Ayala, cocaine trafficker Jon Roberts, smuggler Mickey Munday, and others. Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded recreates Miami's Cocaine Wars like you've never experienced it.

How Miami became the cocaine capital of the United States!

What's The Collection The Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Movie Belongs to?

Cocaine Cowboys

What's The Genre Of The Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Released?

Released: April 8, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Movie?

Runtime: 152.0

How Popular Is The Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.872

What Studio(s) Produced The Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Film?


United States of America

Who Was On The Crew Of Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded The Movie?

Directing — Director: Billy Corben

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