Information On The Film Edith Walks

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Edith Walks

Watching The Movie Edith Walks
Edith Walks Film Information

What's The Movie Edith Walks About?

Edith Walks is a 60 minute 66 second feature film inspired by a walk from Waltham Abbey in Essex via Battle Abbey to St Leonards-on-Sea in East Sussex. The film documents a pilgrimage in memory of Edith Swan Neck. The 108 mile journey, as the crow flies, allows the audience to reflect upon all things Edith. A conversation in Northampton between Alan Moore, Iain Sinclair and Edith Swan Neck is also a key element to the unfolding 'story'. With images shot using digital super 8 iPhone's and sound recorded using a specially constructed music box with a boom microphone the film unfolds chronologically but in a completely unpredictable way. The numerous encounters and impromptu performances en route are proof, as if needed, that the angels of happenstance were to looking down upon the troop, with EDITH as their hallucination

What's The Genre Of The Edith Walks Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Edith Walks Released?

Released: June 23, 2017

What's The Runtime Of The Edith Walks Movie?

Runtime: 60.0

How Popular Is The Edith Walks Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.183

What Studio(s) Produced The Edith Walks Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Edith Walks The Movie?

Directing — Director: Andrew Kotting

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