Information On The Film Entertaining Mr. Sloane

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All about the movie Entertaining Mr. Sloane. Get information on the motion picture Entertaining Mr. Sloane including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Entertaining Mr. Sloane

Watching The Movie Entertaining Mr. Sloane
Entertaining Mr. Sloane Film Information

What's The Movie Entertaining Mr. Sloane About?

Sloane, a handsome, sexy and completely amoral young man, joins Kath's household as a lodger and proceeds to manipulate her and her brother, Ed. He is recognized by Kemp (Dadda) as the murderer of Kemp's former employer, whereupon Sloane murders Kemp. Sloane's "just desserts" are not what one would expect.

What's The Genre Of The Entertaining Mr. Sloane Movie?

Genres: Comedy, Drama

When Was The Motion Picture Entertaining Mr. Sloane Released?

Released: April 8, 1970

What's The Runtime Of The Entertaining Mr. Sloane Movie?

Runtime: 94.0

How Popular Is The Entertaining Mr. Sloane Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.088

What Studio(s) Produced The Entertaining Mr. Sloane Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Entertaining Mr. Sloane The Movie?

Art — Production Design: Michael Seymour
Art — Set Decoration: Harry Cordwell
Crew — Cinematography: Wolfgang Suschitzky
Directing — Director: Douglas Hickox
Editing — Editor: John Trumper
Production — Producer: Douglas Kentish
Sound — Music: Georgie Fame
Writing — Screenplay: Clive Exton
Writing — Story: Joe Orton

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