Information On The Film Fool N Final

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All about the movie Fool N Final. Get information on the motion picture Fool N Final including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Fool N Final

Watching The Movie Fool N Final
Fool N Final Film Information

What's The Movie Fool N Final About?

A million-worth diamond discovered in India is stolen and sent to Dubai. To pick up the diamond from Dubai Airport, Rocky (Chunkey Pandey) is sent. However, a dreaded underworld don, Moscow Chikna (Arbaaz Khan) kidnaps Rocky and steals the diamond from him. After completing his job, Moscow Chikna kills Rocky and flees. The story then twists to another underworld don, JD (Zakir Hussain) also has his eyes on the stolen diamond. To steal the diamond from Moscow Chikna, JD sends a team of foolish robbers, including Raja (Shahid Kapoor), Tina (Ayesha Takia), Chobey (Paresh Rawal) and an dimwit pilot Puttu (Johnny Lever). As they fail to rob the diamond, they witness Moscow Chikna being murdered by an unknown gangster named Gunmaster G9.

What's The Genre Of The Fool N Final Movie?

Genres: Action, Comedy, Romance

Who Stars In The Fool N Final Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Fool N Final Released?

Released: June 1, 2007

What's The Runtime Of The Fool N Final Movie?

Runtime: 0.0

How Popular Is The Fool N Final Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.719

What Studio(s) Produced The Fool N Final Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Fool N Final?

Raja / Rahul Shahid Kapoor
Tina Chobey Ayesha Takia

Who Was On The Crew Of Fool N Final The Movie?

Directing — Director: Ahmed Khan
Writing — Screenplay: Neeraj Vora

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