Information On The Film Go Tigers!

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All about the movie Go Tigers!. Get information on the motion picture Go Tigers! including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Go Tigers!

Watching The Movie Go Tigers!
Go Tigers! Film Information

What's The Movie Go Tigers! About?

"Go Tigers!" is a rare behind-the-scenes chronicling of a remarkable season for the Massillon Tigers high school football team, played out in a small rustbelt town that draws its identity from football. During the course of the season, THREE YOUNG STARS emerge who are forced to carry the burden of the town and their teammates as they confront their uncertain future.

Massillon Ohio: Where they live, breathe and eat football.

What's The Genre Of The Go Tigers! Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Go Tigers! Released?

Released: January 20, 2001

What's The Runtime Of The Go Tigers! Movie?

Runtime: 103.0

How Popular Is The Go Tigers! Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.037

What Studio(s) Produced The Go Tigers! Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Go Tigers! The Movie?

Directing — Director: Kenneth A. Carlson

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