Information On The Film Great Communist Bank Robbery

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All about the movie Great Communist Bank Robbery. Get information on the motion picture Great Communist Bank Robbery including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Great Communist Bank Robbery

Watching The Movie Great Communist Bank Robbery
Great Communist Bank Robbery Film Information

What's The Movie Great Communist Bank Robbery About?

In 1959, in Romania, six former members of the nomenklatura and the secret police organize a hold up of the National Bank. After their arrest, the state forces them to play themselves in a film which reconstitutes the crime and the investigation. At the end of their trial, filmed live, they are sentenced to death and executed. A month later, the film Reconstitution was released and became a sensation throughout the country. - Written by giolgaudaniel

What's The Genre Of The Great Communist Bank Robbery Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Great Communist Bank Robbery Released?

Released: May 10, 2004

What's The Runtime Of The Great Communist Bank Robbery Movie?

Runtime: 70.0

How Popular Is The Great Communist Bank Robbery Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.078

What Studio(s) Produced The Great Communist Bank Robbery Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Great Communist Bank Robbery The Movie?

Directing — Director: Alexandru Solomon
Writing — Writer: Alexandru Solomon

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