Information On The Film Harvest

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All about the movie Harvest. Get information on the motion picture Harvest including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Harvest
Harvest Film Information

What's The Movie Harvest About?

In the 30s, a small village in the Provence is losing its inhabitants because young people prefer to go to the city to find easy jobs and escape from being farmers living in relative poverty. Only a few old people and the poacher Panturle remain. Panturle dreams of bringing the village back to life, finding a wife, founding a family and work as a farmer. One day, the village is visited by a traveling knife-grinder, Urbain Gedemus and a young woman, Arsule. Gedemus treats Arsule like a slave, but Arsule accept this because she has nowhere to go and -we guess- her 'work' with Gedemus is the last thing that saves her from being a prostitute. When she meets Panturle and knows about his dreams, she escapes from Gedemus and decides to stay with him. Together, they start a new life, made of hard farming work but mostly of happiness to have each other - fulfilling the earlier dreams of Panturle. Can anything break the happiness of their new life?

What's The Genre Of The Harvest Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The Harvest Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Harvest Released?

Released: October 28, 1937

What's The Runtime Of The Harvest Movie?

Runtime: 127.0

How Popular Is The Harvest Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.050

What Studio(s) Produced The Harvest Film?


Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Harvest?

Urbain Gedemus Fernandel
Sergeant De Sault Robert Le Vigan
Zia Mameche Marguerite Moreno
Panturle, le paysan d'Aubignane Gabriel Gabrio
Mlle Irene alias « Arsule », la compagne d'Urbain Orane Demazis
le fermier ami de Panturle Henri Poupon
Alphonsine Odette Roger
Belline Milly Mathis
le pere Gaubert, forgeron Edouard Delmont
Jasmin Gaubert, le fils Charles Blavette

Who Was On The Crew Of Harvest The Movie?

Directing — Director: Marcel Pagnol
Writing — Writer: Jean Giono

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