Information On The Film Hen, His Wife

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All about the movie Hen, His Wife. Get information on the motion picture Hen, His Wife including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Hen, His Wife

Watching The Movie Hen, His Wife
Hen, His Wife Film Information

What's The Movie Hen, His Wife About?

Extraordinarily detailed and beautifully drawn animation of a bizarre and surreal world; the domestic life of a fat man, his wife, a sort of oversized obese chicken, and their child/pet, a slug-like creature with a human head. This expressionistic and interior vision of Soviet animator Kovalyov is like an animated Eraserhead.

What's The Genre Of The Hen, His Wife Movie?

Genres: Animation

When Was The Motion Picture Hen, His Wife Released?

Released: May 1, 1990

What's The Runtime Of The Hen, His Wife Movie?

Runtime: 13.0

How Popular Is The Hen, His Wife Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.003

What Studio(s) Produced The Hen, His Wife Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Hen, His Wife The Movie?

Directing — Director: Igor Kovalyov
Writing — Writer: Igor Kovalyov

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