Information On The Film Hey Bartender

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All about the movie Hey Bartender. Get information on the motion picture Hey Bartender including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Hey Bartender

Watching The Movie Hey Bartender
Hey Bartender Film Information

What's The Movie Hey Bartender About?

Two bartenders try to achieve their dreams through bartending. An injured Marine turns his goals to becoming a principal bartender at the best cocktail bar in the world. A young man leaves his white collar job to buy the corner bar in his hometown, and years later he struggles to keep it afloat. Featuring the world's most renowned bartenders and access to the most exclusive bars in New York, this is the story of the comeback of the cocktail and the rebirth of the bartender.

The cocktail is back

What's The Genre Of The Hey Bartender Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Hey Bartender Released?

Released: June 7, 2013

What's The Runtime Of The Hey Bartender Movie?

Runtime: 92.0

How Popular Is The Hey Bartender Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.528

What Studio(s) Produced The Hey Bartender Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Hey Bartender The Movie?

Directing — Director: Douglas Tirola

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