Information On The Film Imagine I'm Beautiful

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All about the movie Imagine I'm Beautiful. Get information on the motion picture Imagine I'm Beautiful including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Imagine I'm Beautiful

Watching The Movie Imagine I'm Beautiful
Imagine I'm Beautiful Film Information

What's The Movie Imagine I'm Beautiful About?

Hoping to leave behind the trauma of her mother's death, a young woman moves to New York City, where she becomes close to her similarly haunted roommate -- until a disturbing revelation changes everything.

What's The Genre Of The Imagine I'm Beautiful Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The Imagine I'm Beautiful Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Imagine I'm Beautiful Released?

Released: January 1, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The Imagine I'm Beautiful Movie?

Runtime: 91.0

How Popular Is The Imagine I'm Beautiful Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.705

What Studio(s) Produced The Imagine I'm Beautiful Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Imagine I'm Beautiful?

Who Was On The Crew Of Imagine I'm Beautiful The Movie?

Directing — Director: Meredith Edwards
Writing — Writer: Naomi McDougall Jones

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