Information On The Film Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act

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All about the movie Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act. Get information on the motion picture Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act

Watching The Movie Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act
Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Film Information

What's The Movie Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act About?

During the second season of "In Living Color", Jim Carrey began to prepare a stand-up comedy special. Before the special was telecast on Showtime, in November 1991, Jim's mother passed away. Jim dedicated "Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act" to the memory of Kathleen Carrey (aka "Mommsie"). The special was taped at Theatre Passe Muraille in front of a live audience.

What's The Genre Of The Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Movie?

Genres: Comedy

Who Stars In The Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Movie?

Starring: Jim Carrey

When Was The Motion Picture Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Released?

Released: January 1, 1991

What's The Runtime Of The Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Movie?

Runtime: 45.0

How Popular Is The Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.129

What Studio(s) Produced The Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act Film?


Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act?

Himself Jim Carrey

Who Was On The Crew Of Jim Carrey: Unnatural Act The Movie?

Directing — Director: Michael French
Editing — Editor: Tom Siiter
Production — Executive Producer: James Miller
Production — Executive Producer: Jim Carrey
Production — Producer: Judd Apatow

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