Information On The Film Jungle de Ikou

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All about the movie Jungle de Ikou. Get information on the motion picture Jungle de Ikou including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Jungle de Ikou

Watching The Movie Jungle de Ikou
Jungle de Ikou Film Information

What's The Movie Jungle de Ikou About?

Natsumi Rokudou, a spunky 10 year old girl from Japan receives a strange statue from her dad who's an archaeologist. Little does Natsumi know that the statue houses Ongo, a terrible monster bent on world conquest. In a dream, a strange old man named Ahem warns Natsumi of Ongo's return, and gives her a necklace and tells her to do a sexually suggestive dance that will protect her from peril. Once Natsumi awakens, she finds Ongo on her bed...who's not too threatening looking. But now whenever danger rears it's ugly head, Natsumi must swallow her modesty, and do the embarrassing dance to transform into Mii, the large breasted flower spirit of New Guinea's past.

What's The Genre Of The Jungle de Ikou Movie?

Genres: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy

When Was The Motion Picture Jungle de Ikou Released?

Released: March 26, 1997

What's The Runtime Of The Jungle de Ikou Movie?

Runtime: 86.0

How Popular Is The Jungle de Ikou Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.076

What Studio(s) Produced The Jungle de Ikou Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Jungle de Ikou The Movie?

Directing — Director: Yuji Moriyama

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