Information On The Film Kahaani

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All about the movie Kahaani. Get information on the motion picture Kahaani including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Kahaani
Kahaani Film Information

What's The Movie Kahaani About?

Vidya Bagchi (Vidya Balan) arrives in Kolkata from London to find her missing husband Arnab Bagchi. Seven months pregnant and alone in a festive city, she begins a relentless search for her husband. With nothing to rely on except fragments from her memories about him, all clues seem to reach a dead end when everyone tries to convince Vidya that her husband does not exist. She slowly realises that nothing is what it seems. In a city soaked in lies, Vidya is determined to unravel the truth about her husband - for herself and her unborn child - even at the cost of her own life.

What's The Genre Of The Kahaani Movie?

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Who Stars In The Kahaani Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Kahaani Released?

Released: March 9, 2012

What's The Runtime Of The Kahaani Movie?

Runtime: 122.0

How Popular Is The Kahaani Movie?

Popularity Rating: 3.175

What Studio(s) Produced The Kahaani Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Kahaani The Movie?

Directing — Director: Sujoy Ghosh
Production — Producer: Sujoy Ghosh
Writing — Writer: Sujoy Ghosh

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