Information On The Film Kalyug

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All about the movie Kalyug. Get information on the motion picture Kalyug including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Kalyug
Kalyug Film Information

What's The Movie Kalyug About?

The husband of a woman who commits suicide after a run-in with the adult entertainment industry seeks revenge on those who drove her to her death. In doing so, he delves into the world of international human trafficking, eventually traveling across the world to seek out the ringleaders of this horrifying enterprise.

What's The Genre Of The Kalyug Movie?

Genres: Foreign, Thriller

When Was The Motion Picture Kalyug Released?

Released: December 9, 2005

What's The Runtime Of The Kalyug Movie?

Runtime: 0.0

How Popular Is The Kalyug Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.146

What Studio(s) Produced The Kalyug Film?

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