Information On The Film Killing Daddy

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All about the movie Killing Daddy. Get information on the motion picture Killing Daddy including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Killing Daddy

Watching The Movie Killing Daddy
Killing Daddy Film Information

What's The Movie Killing Daddy About?

Cassie Ross is scarred by the suicide of her mother, which occurred when Cassie was a child. She is convinced that her father was to blame for her mother's death. Cassie's older sister, Laura, has always sided with their father, so for years Cassie has been estranged from her family. When Cassie discovers that her father has had a debilitating stroke, she sees it as the perfect opportunity to return home and seek justice for her mother. Confiding in her mute and helpless father her plans to destroy her sister and stepmother and ultimately kill him, Cassie sets out on her path to destroy her broken family and take all of their riches. But Cassie's revenge won't come as easy as she thinks as hidden truths about her family may derail her entire plan.

What's The Genre Of The Killing Daddy Movie?

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Who Stars In The Killing Daddy Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Killing Daddy Released?

Released: July 5, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The Killing Daddy Movie?

Runtime: 85.0

How Popular Is The Killing Daddy Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.103

What Studio(s) Produced The Killing Daddy Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Killing Daddy?

Callie Ross Elizabeth Gillies
Emma Granger Cynthia Stevenson
George Ross William R. Moses
Laura Ross Sebastian Pigott
Laura Ross Tori Anderson
Hanover Tom Barnett
Eight Year old Callie Sabrina Manglaracina
Callie's Mom Jennilee Murray

Who Was On The Crew Of Killing Daddy The Movie?

Directing — Director: Curtis Crawford
Writing — Writer: Trent Haaga

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