Information On The Film Kummeli V

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Kummeli V

Watching The Movie Kummeli V
Kummeli V Film Information

What's The Movie Kummeli V About?

Four stories about Finnish life intersect. In the first story, the ex- bassist Tom makes a mistake. He calls the old band mate, drum artist Monkki Mähönen renovation of this property to the wife 's summer home. The story starts to get "kauhuelokuvamaisia​​" features the Monkki and the lady of the house Stina on a collision course. The following story wannabee - motorcycle gang and its leader Jouni humiliated in the village shop. Jouni decides to avenge the humiliation robbing trade. He is a tough movie freak and draws its revenge plan inspired by the famous action movies. In the third story of the journey of the yellow press, the early days of the sixties to mid. During the film has become known for bad behavior Helsinki fantasy and sci-fi director Kurt von "Kurre" Riikonen, which rises at the center of the fourth story.

What's The Genre Of The Kummeli V Movie?

Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction

When Was The Motion Picture Kummeli V Released?

Released: February 19, 2014

What's The Runtime Of The Kummeli V Movie?

Runtime: 105.0

How Popular Is The Kummeli V Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.769

What Studio(s) Produced The Kummeli V Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Kummeli V The Movie?

Directing — Director: Aleksi Makela
Production — Producer: Aleksi Makela
Production — Producer: Markus Selin
Production — Producer: Timo Kahilainen
Sound — Music: Heikki Silvennoinen
Sound — Music: Timo Kahilainen
Writing — Writer: Heikki Silvennoinen
Writing — Writer: Heikki Vihinen
Writing — Writer: Timo Kahilainen

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