Information On The Film LennoNYC

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Watching The Movie LennoNYC
LennoNYC Film Information

What's The Movie LennoNYC About?

This documentary takes an intimate look at the time Lennon, Yoko Ono and their son, Sean, spent living in New York City during the 1970s. It features never-before heard studio recordings from the Double Fantasy sessions and never-before-seen outtakes from Lennon in concert and home movies that have only recently been transferred to video. It also features exclusive interviews with Ms. Ono, who cooperated extensively with the production and offers an unprecedented level of access, as well as with artists who worked closely with Lennon during this period, including Elton John and photographer Bob Gruen (who took the iconic photograph of Lennon in front of the skyline wearing a “New York City” T-shirt).

What's The Genre Of The LennoNYC Movie?

Genres: Documentary

Who Stars In The LennoNYC Movie?

Starring: John Lennon, Yoko Ono

When Was The Motion Picture LennoNYC Released?

Released: September 25, 2010

What's The Runtime Of The LennoNYC Movie?

Runtime: 115.0

How Popular Is The LennoNYC Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.012

What Studio(s) Produced The LennoNYC Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture LennoNYC?

Himself John Lennon
Herself Yoko Ono

Who Was On The Crew Of LennoNYC The Movie?

Directing — Director: Michael Epstein
Writing — Writer: Michael Epstein

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