Information On The Film Let's Go And Kill Sartana

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All about the movie Let's Go And Kill Sartana. Get information on the motion picture Let's Go And Kill Sartana including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Let's Go And Kill Sartana

Watching The Movie Let's Go And Kill Sartana
Let's Go And Kill Sartana Film Information

What's The Movie Let's Go And Kill Sartana About?

Nebraska Clay kills a gang of outlaws in self-defense but is imprisoned for further investigation of the crime. While in jail he meets an outlaw named “Crazy Person” and escapes with him when his gang carries out a jailbreak.

What's The Genre Of The Let's Go And Kill Sartana Movie?

Genres: Western

When Was The Motion Picture Let's Go And Kill Sartana Released?

Released: September 6, 1971

What's The Runtime Of The Let's Go And Kill Sartana Movie?

Runtime: 87.0

How Popular Is The Let's Go And Kill Sartana Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.001

What Studio(s) Produced The Let's Go And Kill Sartana Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Let's Go And Kill Sartana The Movie?

Directing — Director: Mario Pinzauti

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