Information On The Film Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)

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Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)

Watching The Movie Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)
Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Film Information

What's The Movie Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) About?

Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) is a cinematic bullet into the cerebral cortex, a documentary that unflinchingly exploring the cycles of violence that plague Brazil's upper and lower economic classes in fits of rampant corruption and violent kidnappings. The film chronicles these cycles by utilizing highly personalized stories that reflect the growing truth about Brazil's huge economic disparities.

What's The Genre Of The Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Released?

Released: January 20, 2007

What's The Runtime Of The Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Movie?

Runtime: 85.0

How Popular Is The Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.508

What Studio(s) Produced The Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) The Movie?

Directing — Director: Jason Kohn

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