Information On The Film Mariage chez les Bodin's

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All about the movie Mariage chez les Bodin's. Get information on the motion picture Mariage chez les Bodin's including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Mariage chez les Bodin's

Watching The Movie Mariage chez les Bodin's
Mariage chez les Bodin's Film Information

What's The Movie Mariage chez les Bodin's About?

Nous sommes dans un coin de France reculé... très reculé.

What's The Genre Of The Mariage chez les Bodin's Movie?

Genres: Comedy

Who Stars In The Mariage chez les Bodin's Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Mariage chez les Bodin's Released?

Released: September 24, 2008

What's The Runtime Of The Mariage chez les Bodin's Movie?

Runtime: 82.0

How Popular Is The Mariage chez les Bodin's Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.311

What Studio(s) Produced The Mariage chez les Bodin's Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Mariage chez les Bodin's?

Maria Vincent Dubois
Robert Zinzette Jean-Pierre Durand
Claudine Billote Muriel Dubois
Le boucher Faru
La femme du boucher Carole Massana
Christian Jean-Christian Fraiscinet

Who Was On The Crew Of Mariage chez les Bodin's The Movie?

Directing — Director: Eric Le Roch

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