Information On The Film Marooned in Iraq

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All about the movie Marooned in Iraq. Get information on the motion picture Marooned in Iraq including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Marooned in Iraq

Watching The Movie Marooned in Iraq
Marooned in Iraq Film Information

What's The Movie Marooned in Iraq About?

During the war between Iran and Iraq, a group of Iranian Kurd musicians set off on an almost impossible mission. They will try to find Hanareh, a singer with a magic voice who crossed the border and may now be in danger in the Iraqi Kurdistan. As in his previous films, this Kurdish director is again focusing on the oppression of his people.

What's The Genre Of The Marooned in Iraq Movie?

Genres: Drama, Foreign

When Was The Motion Picture Marooned in Iraq Released?

Released: May 22, 2002

What's The Runtime Of The Marooned in Iraq Movie?

Runtime: 108.0

How Popular Is The Marooned in Iraq Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.074

What Studio(s) Produced The Marooned in Iraq Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Marooned in Iraq The Movie?

Directing — Director: Bahman Ghobadi

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