Information On The Film Menolippu Mombasaan

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Menolippu Mombasaan

Watching The Movie Menolippu Mombasaan
Menolippu Mombasaan Film Information

What's The Movie Menolippu Mombasaan About?

Pete (played by Antti Tarvainen) loses his consciousness while playing in a pop band. The diagnosis is harsh and the doctor cannot say for sure whether Pete will celebrate his 18th birthday. One night, encouraged by the vodka on Jusa (Joonas Saartamo)'s 18th birthday, Pete confesses his love to Kata (Johanna Rönnlöf), his dream girl. Together with Jusa, they go to Lapland where Kata has her summer job. In Jusa's wild company, Pete experiences something which he never felt before as they decide to take a trip to Mombasa via Lapland.

What's The Genre Of The Menolippu Mombasaan Movie?

Genres: Drama

When Was The Motion Picture Menolippu Mombasaan Released?

Released: September 6, 2002

What's The Runtime Of The Menolippu Mombasaan Movie?

Runtime: 88.0

How Popular Is The Menolippu Mombasaan Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.361

What Studio(s) Produced The Menolippu Mombasaan Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of Menolippu Mombasaan The Movie?

Production — Producer: Hannu Tuomainen
Writing — Writer: Hannu Tuomainen

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