Information On The Film Miss and the Doctors

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All about the movie Miss and the Doctors. Get information on the motion picture Miss and the Doctors including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Miss and the Doctors

Watching The Movie Miss and the Doctors
Miss and the Doctors Film Information

What's The Movie Miss and the Doctors About?

Two sibling doctors take on a young diabetic patient and both fall for the girl’s lovely mother, who tends bar at a local watering hole, testing their fraternal bonds and professional relationship.

What's The Genre Of The Miss and the Doctors Movie?

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Who Stars In The Miss and the Doctors Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Miss and the Doctors Released?

Released: September 4, 2013

What's The Runtime Of The Miss and the Doctors Movie?

Runtime: 100.0

How Popular Is The Miss and the Doctors Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.223

What Studio(s) Produced The Miss and the Doctors Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Miss and the Doctors?

Who Was On The Crew Of Miss and the Doctors The Movie?

Crew — Cinematography: Celine Bozon
Directing — Director: Axelle Ropert
Writing — Writer: Axelle Ropert

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