Information On The Film Miss Julie

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All about the movie Miss Julie. Get information on the motion picture Miss Julie including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Miss Julie

Watching The Movie Miss Julie
Miss Julie Film Information

What's The Movie Miss Julie About?

Julie is a young tennis star who falls in love with his trainer - because she yearns for love and because she wants to liberate themselves from the ambitions which the father has on her behalf. Birgitte Hjort Sørensen has a conflict and fragile Juliet, and Rolf Hansen is the coach who tries to keep Julie from life. Other actors, Jesper Christensen as ambitious and indebted father, Trine Appel as the coach's disdain fiance and Niels Skousen as a nightclub owner. "Julie" is a modern update of August Strindberg's "Miss Julie".

What's The Genre Of The Miss Julie Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The Miss Julie Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Miss Julie Released?

Released: July 7, 2011

What's The Runtime Of The Miss Julie Movie?

Runtime: 80.0

How Popular Is The Miss Julie Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.266

What Studio(s) Produced The Miss Julie Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Miss Julie?

Who Was On The Crew Of Miss Julie The Movie?

Directing — Director: Linda Wendel

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