Information On The Film Moscow Clad in Snow

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All about the movie Moscow Clad in Snow. Get information on the motion picture Moscow Clad in Snow including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Moscow Clad in Snow

Watching The Movie Moscow Clad in Snow
Moscow Clad in Snow Film Information

What's The Movie Moscow Clad in Snow About?

The film is in four parts. First, the camera pans the Kremlin and Marshal's Bridge. Sleds are parked in rows. Horse-drawn sleighs run up and down a busy street. Next, we visit the mushroom and fish market where common people work and shop. In Petrovsky Park are the well-to-do. Men are in great coats. A file of six or seven women ski past on a narrow lane. Last, there's a general view of Moscow. A slow pan takes us to a view above the river front where the film began.

What's The Genre Of The Moscow Clad in Snow Movie?

Genres: Documentary

When Was The Motion Picture Moscow Clad in Snow Released?

Released: April 9, 1909

What's The Runtime Of The Moscow Clad in Snow Movie?

Runtime: 7.0

How Popular Is The Moscow Clad in Snow Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.272

What Studio(s) Produced The Moscow Clad in Snow Film?

Pathe Freres


Who Was On The Crew Of Moscow Clad in Snow The Movie?

Directing — Director: Joseph-Louis Mundwiller

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