Information On The Film Mrs. Dalloway

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All about the movie Mrs. Dalloway. Get information on the motion picture Mrs. Dalloway including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Mrs. Dalloway

Watching The Movie Mrs. Dalloway
Mrs. Dalloway Film Information

What's The Movie Mrs. Dalloway About?

As society hostess Clarissa Dalloway prepares for another of her legendary parties, she finds herself haunted by figures and scenes from her passionate adolescence.

What's The Genre Of The Mrs. Dalloway Movie?

Genres: Drama, Romance

Who Stars In The Mrs. Dalloway Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Mrs. Dalloway Released?

Released: September 1, 1997

What's The Runtime Of The Mrs. Dalloway Movie?

Runtime: 97.0

How Popular Is The Mrs. Dalloway Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.336

What Studio(s) Produced The Mrs. Dalloway Film?

Bergen Film, First Look International

Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Mrs. Dalloway?

Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway Vanessa Redgrave
Young Clarissa Natascha McElhone
Peter Walsh Michael Kitchen
Young Peter Alan Cox
Lady Rosseter Sarah Badel
Young Sally Lena Headey
Richard Dalloway John Standing
Young Richard Robert Portal
Hugh Whitbread Oliver Ford Davies
Young Hugh Hal Cruttenden
Septimus Warren Smith Rupert Graves
Rezia Warren Smith Amelia Bullmore
Lady Bruton Margaret Tyzack
Sir William Bradshaw Robert Hardy
Lady Bradshaw Richenda Carey

Who Was On The Crew Of Mrs. Dalloway The Movie?

Directing — Director: Marleen Gorris
Production — Co-Producer: Hans de Weers
Writing — Writer: Eileen Atkins

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