Information On The Film Oriental Elegy

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All about the movie Oriental Elegy. Get information on the motion picture Oriental Elegy including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Oriental Elegy

Watching The Movie Oriental Elegy
Oriental Elegy Film Information

What's The Movie Oriental Elegy About?

Oriental Elegy (1996). Visually impressionistic, atmospherically dense, and narratively opaque, Oriental Elegy is the surreal journey of a displaced spirit (Aleksandr Sokurov) as he wanders in the interminable darkness through the temporal landscape of a quaint and isolated feudal-era fishing village. Guided by a series of faintly illuminated rooms, the wandering spirit comes upon ancient souls who take on physical forms as they recount their personal stories of daily existence, loss, and tragedy in the peasant community. Intrigued by his initial visit to a curiously distracted elderly woman, the spirit returns to her home in order to ask a fundamental question - "What is happiness?" - an existential query that is innocently answered with innate humility and accepted unknowingness.

What's The Genre Of The Oriental Elegy Movie?

Genres: Drama

When Was The Motion Picture Oriental Elegy Released?

Released: January 1, 1996

What's The Runtime Of The Oriental Elegy Movie?

Runtime: 43.0

How Popular Is The Oriental Elegy Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.081

What Studio(s) Produced The Oriental Elegy Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Oriental Elegy The Movie?

Directing — Director: Alexander Sokurov
Writing — Writer: Alexander Sokurov

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