Information On The Film Peculiarities of the National Fishing

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All about the movie Peculiarities of the National Fishing. Get information on the motion picture Peculiarities of the National Fishing including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

Peculiarities of the National Fishing

Watching The Movie Peculiarities of the National Fishing
Peculiarities of the National Fishing Film Information

What's The Movie Peculiarities of the National Fishing About?

General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.

What's The Collection The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Movie Belongs to?

Osobennosti Natsionalnoy ... - Collection

What's The Genre Of The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Movie?

Genres: Comedy

Who Stars In The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Peculiarities of the National Fishing Released?

Released: January 1, 1998

What's The Runtime Of The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Movie?

Runtime: 95.0

How Popular Is The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.740

What Studio(s) Produced The Peculiarities of the National Fishing Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Peculiarities of the National Fishing?

генерал Иволгин, Михалыч Aleksei Buldakov
егерь Кузьмич Viktor Bychkov
Лёва Соловейчик Semyon Strugachyov
Райво Ville Haapasalo
Сергей Олегович Sergei Russkin
Семёнов Sergei Guslinsky
Витёк Andrey Krasko
Olga Samoshina
Aleksandr Zavyalov

Who Was On The Crew Of Peculiarities of the National Fishing The Movie?

Camera — Director of Photography: Valeri Martynov
Directing — Director: Aleksandr Rogozhkin
Writing — Writer: Aleksandr Rogozhkin

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