Information On The Film Placido

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All about the movie Placido. Get information on the motion picture Placido including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Placido
Placido Film Information

What's The Movie Placido About?

In a small spanish town, a group of old ladies decide to celebrate Christmas Eve with a "Sit a poor man at your table" dinner: each wealthy household of the town will have a homeless person dining with them that night. The celebrations also include a parade, and in it we find Plácido, the humble owner of a three-wheeler, whose family is forced to live in a public lavatory because of the lack of money to pay the rent, and who has to pay the second bill of his vehicle before midnight or else he will lose it.

What's The Genre Of The Placido Movie?

Genres: Comedy, Drama

When Was The Motion Picture Placido Released?

Released: October 20, 1961

What's The Runtime Of The Placido Movie?

Runtime: 83.0

How Popular Is The Placido Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.006

What Studio(s) Produced The Placido Film?

Jet Films


Who Was On The Crew Of Placido The Movie?

Camera — Director of Photography: Francisco Sempere
Directing — Director: Luis Garcia Berlanga
Editing — Editor: Jose Antonio Rojo
Production — Producer: Alfredo Matas
Sound — Original Music Composer: Miguel Asins Arbo
Writing — Writer: Jose Luis Colina
Writing — Writer: Jose Luis Font
Writing — Writer: Luis Garcia Berlanga
Writing — Writer: Rafael Azcona

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