Information On The Film Razzia

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All about the movie Razzia. Get information on the motion picture Razzia including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Razzia
Razzia Film Information

What's The Movie Razzia About?

Henri, the Man from Nantes, comes back to his country after a successful stay in the United States, where he was working for Liski, the drug dealer. With the fame of being a tough guy preceding him, he sets himself to the task of knowing why the French operations were not so profitable - and soon he is master of all links of the organization. He can now get it honed to perfection - or destroy it. Only... the Police are following his every step.

What's The Genre Of The Razzia Movie?

Genres: Crime, Drama

When Was The Motion Picture Razzia Released?

Released: April 16, 1955

What's The Runtime Of The Razzia Movie?

Runtime: 101.0

How Popular Is The Razzia Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.626

What Studio(s) Produced The Razzia Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of Razzia The Movie?

Camera — Director of Photography: Pierre Montazel
Directing — Director: Henri Decoin
Sound — Music: Marc Lanjean
Writing — Writer: Auguste Le Breton
Writing — Writer: Henri Decoin
Writing — Writer: Maurice Griffe

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