Information On The Film Romántico

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All about the movie Romántico. Get information on the motion picture Romántico including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at


Watching The Movie Romántico
Romántico Film Information

What's The Movie Romántico About?

Romántico is a documentary about Mexican musician Carmelo Muñiz Sánchez, who returns home to his beloved daughters after years spent playing San Francisco’s taquerías and hipster joints. But once Carmelo arrives in his hometown, he finds himself immediately confronted with the struggles that led to his first border crossing. Despite working the mariachi circuit (weddings, funerals, quinceañeras) and at bars that cater to prostitutes and their clients, Sánchez soon realizes he can’t adequately support his family and plots a return to the U.S. At the age of 60, another border crossing begins to seem absurd, but Carmelo has not given up...

What's The Genre Of The Romántico Movie?

Genres: Documentary

Who Stars In The Romántico Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture Romántico Released?

Released: January 1, 2005

What's The Runtime Of The Romántico Movie?

Runtime: 80.0

How Popular Is The Romántico Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.213

What Studio(s) Produced The Romántico Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture Romántico?

Arturo Arias Arturo Arias
Carmelo Muniz Sanchez Carmelo Muniz Sanchez

Who Was On The Crew Of Romántico The Movie?

Directing — Director: Mark Becker

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