Information On The Film The Backwater Gospel

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All about the movie The Backwater Gospel. Get information on the motion picture The Backwater Gospel including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

The Backwater Gospel

Watching The Movie The Backwater Gospel
The Backwater Gospel Film Information

What's The Movie The Backwater Gospel About?

Backwater is doomed by the regular visits of the undertaker and its dwellers blame a tramp.

What's The Genre Of The The Backwater Gospel Movie?

Genres: Animation, Horror

Who Stars In The The Backwater Gospel Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture The Backwater Gospel Released?

Released: January 1, 2011

What's The Runtime Of The The Backwater Gospel Movie?

Runtime: 10.0

How Popular Is The The Backwater Gospel Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.293

What Studio(s) Produced The The Backwater Gospel Film?


Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture The Backwater Gospel?

The Minister Lucien Dodge
Towns People Laura Post
Bubba Phillip Sacramento
The Tramp Zebulon Whatley

Who Was On The Crew Of The Backwater Gospel The Movie?

Directing — Director: Bo Mathorne

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