Information On The Film The Big Snit

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All about the movie The Big Snit. Get information on the motion picture The Big Snit including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

The Big Snit

Watching The Movie The Big Snit
The Big Snit Film Information

What's The Movie The Big Snit About?

A couple plays Scrabble. He's stuck with seven E's and getting nowhere fast, so she decides to do some housework. While she's out of the room, he glances at her letters; she catches him at it and an argument ensues. Meanwhile, a nuclear war is breaking out, with chaos in the streets as people try to escape the city before bombs fall. The couple's argument escalates; they bring up their pet peeves - "you're always shaking your eyes," "well, you're always sawing the furniture!" Can there be reconciliation before annihilation? And, what about the Scrabble game?

A couple have a fight over a scrabble game unaware that a full scale nuclear war has started.

What's The Genre Of The The Big Snit Movie?

Genres: Animation, Comedy

Who Stars In The The Big Snit Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture The Big Snit Released?

Released: January 1, 1985

What's The Runtime Of The The Big Snit Movie?

Runtime: 10.0

How Popular Is The The Big Snit Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.001

What Studio(s) Produced The The Big Snit Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture The Big Snit?

Who Was On The Crew Of The Big Snit The Movie?

Directing — Director: Richard Condie

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