Information On The Film The Bodyguard

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The Bodyguard

Watching The Movie The Bodyguard
The Bodyguard Film Information

What's The Movie The Bodyguard About?

The setting is Central Asia during the Russian civil war. In the post-revolutionary twenties, when the power in European Russia was (officially) "fully in the hands of the workers and peasants", but the fight against the Basmachi rebels was in full swing. When a Red Army detachment captures Sultan Mazar, the brains behind the Bazmachi contingent, a decision is made to escort urgently the prisoner to the Bukhara province. The difficult mission is entrusted to a grizzled mountain trapper and conscientious revolutionary called Mirzo. His expertise is essential to traverse the precarious paths and steep mountain ridges along the way, impossible terrain for the inexperienced. A group consisting of Mirzo, his brother Kova, the Sultan, his daughter Zaranghis and slave Saifulla set off on this journey. They are forced to fight on the mountain ridges as well as negotiate the natural dangers and harsh elements.

What's The Genre Of The The Bodyguard Movie?

Genres: Action, Western

When Was The Motion Picture The Bodyguard Released?

Released: January 1, 1979

What's The Runtime Of The The Bodyguard Movie?

Runtime: 90.0

How Popular Is The The Bodyguard Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.138

What Studio(s) Produced The The Bodyguard Film?


Who Was On The Crew Of The Bodyguard The Movie?

Directing — Director: Ali Khamrayev
Writing — Writer: Ali Khamrayev

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