Information On The Film The Bread and Alley

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All about the movie The Bread and Alley. Get information on the motion picture The Bread and Alley including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

The Bread and Alley

Watching The Movie The Bread and Alley
The Bread and Alley Film Information

What's The Movie The Bread and Alley About?

Returning from an errand to buy bread, a boy finds a menacing dog blocking his way through the alley he must go down to get home. Frightened by the dog's barking, he asks various passers-by for help but no-one pays him any attention, and he must find a solution all by himself: he throws the dog a piece of bread and, while the animal is devouring it, he continues on his way home.

What's The Genre Of The The Bread and Alley Movie?

Genres: Drama

Who Stars In The The Bread and Alley Movie?

When Was The Motion Picture The Bread and Alley Released?

Released: January 1, 1970

What's The Runtime Of The The Bread and Alley Movie?

Runtime: 10.0

How Popular Is The The Bread and Alley Movie?

Popularity Rating: 0.004

What Studio(s) Produced The The Bread and Alley Film?

Who Was On The Cast Of The Motion Picture The Bread and Alley?

Who Was On The Crew Of The Bread and Alley The Movie?

Directing — Director: Abbas Kiarostami
Writing — Writer: Taghi Kiarostami

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