Information On The Film The Caller
All about the movie The Caller. Get information on the motion picture The Caller including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at
The Caller
The Caller Film Information |
What's The Movie The Caller About?Jimmy Stevens, a senior VP at an international energy firm, blows the whistle on his company's deadly and corrupt practices in Latin America. Knowing he will be assassinated for his betrayal, he places an anonymous call securing the services of private detective Frank Turlotte to trail him from a distance. What's The Genre Of The The Caller Movie?Genres: Drama, Thriller When Was The Motion Picture The Caller Released?Released: September 26, 2008 What's The Runtime Of The The Caller Movie?Runtime: 95.0 How Popular Is The The Caller Movie?Popularity Rating: 0.649 What Studio(s) Produced The The Caller Film?United States of America Who Was On The Crew Of The Caller The Movie?Directing — Director: Richard Ledes |
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