Information On The Film The Goodbye Kiss

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All about the movie The Goodbye Kiss. Get information on the motion picture The Goodbye Kiss including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at

The Goodbye Kiss

Watching The Movie The Goodbye Kiss
The Goodbye Kiss Film Information

What's The Movie The Goodbye Kiss About?

Giorgio Pellegrini, a former left-wing activist turned terrorist has fled to Central America and fought with a guerrilla movement. Fifteen years later he is fed up with living in the jungle and decides to return to Italy. What he wants is to lead a comfortable bourgeois life in his native country. Thanks to Anedda, a corrupt police inspector, and after giving away former comrades, he obtains a reduced jail sentence. Once released from prison he obsessively pursues his dream of becoming a "respectable" citizen, even if the way to it is paved with larceny, pimping, drug-dealing, rape, heist and murder...

What's The Genre Of The The Goodbye Kiss Movie?

Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller

When Was The Motion Picture The Goodbye Kiss Released?

Released: February 24, 2006

What's The Runtime Of The The Goodbye Kiss Movie?

Runtime: 107.0

How Popular Is The The Goodbye Kiss Movie?

Popularity Rating: 1.328

What Studio(s) Produced The The Goodbye Kiss Film?

Who Was On The Crew Of The Goodbye Kiss The Movie?

Directing — Director: Michele Soavi

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