Information On The Film The Harvest (La Cosecha)
All about the movie The Harvest (La Cosecha). Get information on the motion picture The Harvest (La Cosecha) including; genre, directors, producers, stars, supporting actors, ratings, studios and more at
The Harvest (La Cosecha)
The Harvest (La Cosecha) Film Information |
What's The Movie The Harvest (La Cosecha) About?The story of the children who work 12-14 hour days in the fields without the protection of child labor laws. These children are not toiling in the fields in some far away land. They are working in America. What's The Genre Of The The Harvest (La Cosecha) Movie?Genres: Documentary When Was The Motion Picture The Harvest (La Cosecha) Released?Released: July 29, 2011 What's The Runtime Of The The Harvest (La Cosecha) Movie?Runtime: 80.0 How Popular Is The The Harvest (La Cosecha) Movie?Popularity Rating: 0.041 What Studio(s) Produced The The Harvest (La Cosecha) Film?Who Was On The Crew Of The Harvest (La Cosecha) The Movie?Directing — Director: U. Roberto Romano |
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